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Building Autonomous Vehicles From the Ground-Up

Posted Mar 10, 2022 | Views 4.8K
# Tech Talk
Eric Chu
Head of data science and engineering @ Zoox

Chu oversees Zoox's strategic data analysis capability in order to better understand and improve the performance of its robotaxi. Chu has served at Zoox in numerous roles in the data science, motion planning, and software areas, with increasing responsibility. He previously held data science and research roles at companies including Winton, Expanse, and Google, crossing domains as varied as finance, cybersecurity, and energy. Chu holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and mathematics and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University, where he studied mathematical optimization under Stephen Boyd, contributing to various open-source optimization solvers and parser-solvers. His academic papers have accumulated more than 10,000 citations.

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The road to autonomous vehicles is a long, and winding one. The concept of a vehicle without a driver isn’t new. We’ve seen concept cars and sci-fi mock-ups of the idea for decades, so why is now the time for autonomous vehicles to come into our reality? Zoox’s Head of Data Science, Eric Chu, explains in this talk that we are at a critical time when artificial intelligence, data science, and computing power are coming together to bring the vision of reimagining autonomous vehicles built for AI to drive and riders to enjoy.

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Overcoming the Most Difficult Challenges in Autonomous Vehicles
Posted Oct 24, 2022 | Views 2.5K
# TransformX 2022
# Expert Panel
# Autonomous Vehicles
# Computer Vision
The Future of AV Sensors - Enabling the Autonomous Vehicles of Tomorrow
Posted Oct 06, 2021 | Views 3.6K
# TransformX 2021
# Fireside Chat