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Open Climate Fix: ML Solutions to Global Climate & Energy Supply Crisis
# Climate Change
# Energy

Join Jacob Bieker, Machine Learning Research Engineer with Open Climate Fix, and Canute Haroldson, Delivery Operations Product Manager at Scale AI for a technical deep dive into the cutting-edge ml technology leveraged to address the climate crisis.

This summer heat waves broke temperature records across the Globe. Humanity's shared climate crisis compounded by international conflicts generating energy insecurity fuels the urgency of Open Climate Fix's current machine learning project: building Solar Photovoltaics (PV) nowcasts, in order to support more predictable availability of solar power, thus reducing the dependency on traditional fossil fuel energy sources.

The uncertainty of solar PV generation generates significant unnecessary carbon emissions to ensure system security. OCF’s first major project builds Solar Photovoltaics nowcasts by tracking clouds from satellite images and 'rolling'​ those images forwards in time using a combination of conventional numerical weather predictions and machine learning. Through optimizing generation, there is the potential to save hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon emissions in the UK alone, and many times that globally.

Further, Open Climate Fix will support the Open Street Map community to better map the location and size of PV panels in the UK.

This is just the beginning for the European based non-profit research and development lab, Open Climate Fix. Their overarching mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as rapidly as possible. Every part of the organization is designed to maximize climate impact, such as our open and collaborative approach, our rapid prototyping, and our attention to finding scalable & practical solutions. All OCF code is available open source to the public as a means of further supporting rapid adoption and acceleration of applications that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Canute Haroldson
Canute Haroldson
Manager of Delivery Operations for Sustainability, Purpose, Waste Reduction and Ethics @ Scale AI
Jacob Bieker
Jacob Bieker
Machine Learning Research Engineer @ Open Climate Fix
Track View
9:00 PM, GMT
10:00 PM, GMT
Stage 1
Fireside Chat
Jacob’s technical presentation followed by interview/chat with Canute

Jacob’s technical presentation followed by interview/chat with Canute 1pm-1:40

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Canute Haroldson
Jacob Bieker
9:55 PM, GMT
10:20 PM, GMT
Stage 1
Live Q&A with audience
Jacob Bieker
Canute Haroldson
Event has finished
December 08, 9:00 PM, GMT
Event has finished
December 08, 9:00 PM, GMT